Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Petticoat X Ideas Go

Greetings to all Petticoat followers out there. If you don't know The Petticoat, well maybe now is the time. Click here to view the most awesome blogger in cebu. Char langss. Personally, I would like to thank the Petticoat for treating me to KFC even though there are other restaurants in ayala, you listened to my suggestion and didn't ask why. (Take time to laugh ha ha ha) Back to the Petticoat.

She made this mantle. Oh yes mantle, she bought some cloth and did some magic juju and poof! She's very creative I should say. I didn't really noticed it at first but because I saw her facebook post that she made this aztec designed clothing. I've got to act like I didn't noticed it. Hahaha Real Talk.

 A dreamcatcher! Got to love her collection of dreamcatchers. I think this would be a good identity for her. What ya think?

#clothshoes #lapok

To wrap it all up. We ended up here! Hahaha. NOT! We just passed by and took a picture on the event but we didn't wait for Gerald. We escaped ourselves out and went to the Temple. 

So where did you go lately?

Monday, October 7, 2013


Live your life one day at a time. Life is full of hardships and difficulties. Pain is part of life, a very important recipe to live your life to the fullest. Pain is the weakness leaving the body. Take time to reflect.

Life is full of mysteries. Explore it with guidance. Talk to Heavenly Father and you will know for sure what is that thing that bothers you the most. Prayer calms the soul, soberness will wrap your heart and you will feel peace.

Find the Light.