Can't get enough of Game of Thrones? I surely don't. Season 4 of Game of Thrones is almost here. Spoilers and fan reviews are everywhere. Bookworms are just smiling, whereas to us lazy people, we intend to wait. Well waiting is the worst part, anyway more or less I know, I am greatly delighted of the trailers, interviews and most likely the foreshadowing. Examining the videos is that, the phrase Valar Morghulis has struck me very hard, take note; very hard. I pondered the phrase when I knew what it meant. Gosh, I couldn't even say the word, but as human as we are, we get over it and move on. But still the phrase has a very significant meaning to as what Game of Thrones really is. If you're wondering where the word came from, it was a code given by Jaqen H'ghar from the free city of Braavos to Arya Stark, if ever she would want to find Jaqen in Braavos, she would just say the code to anyone there and give the coin, Jaqen will be there for her. I don't know how that works but as the story goes, it would be astonishing to witness that event.
To wrap this whole thing up, VALAR MORGHULIS.