Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dennis & Queenie 9/28/13

Mr. & Mrs. Villegas. Together Forever.
I am very grateful for being part of this wonderful reception. Such a lovely couple. Thank you so much Mark&Monica "The Wayfarers" for giving me this opportunity to be your apprentice. It's a pleasure working with you guys.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Walk

Taking a walk on the The Walk, you know what I mean. So hey! I got a blog again with mi brotha. I've been really busy for the past month and these pictures are like a throwback or a flashback by now. Well that's what will happen when you don't have the time in the world to do the stuffs you like. So much for that, here's like a photowalk w/ mi brotha. Walking around IT Park like it's your first time there. Well how did you know that? Shuks, another perk of being a good student. Blah blah blah yeah yeah, moving on. The pictures will tell you the story. A Thousand Thanks to Etienne "The Petticoat" by the way for letting me borrow her awesome camera and Monica for the fantastic lens. ^_^

After the heat-stroking photo-walk, we stopped by a Thai restaurant. Yey FOOD! 

Food has its way of doing things.
We just need it. No further details.

Bon appetit.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

EE RingHop 2013

CIT-University Electrical Engineering RingHop 2013. These are some of the Ringhoppers and instructors that were at the ceremony. All had their suit and ties up for their occasion.
I'm gonna stash some pictures when they had they awarding extravaganza. Take note on their awarded certificates.

See what I mean? They had this awesome certificates and awarded those kindred spirits with special talents. I myself applauded for each one of them that was awarded.
I would like to take time to acknowledge our CIT-U EE Faculty that went and graced the ceremony. These are our beloved faculty & guests:
Alright! I'd like to add some sweetness in the moment.

CIT-University Electrical Engineering RingHop Ceremony 2013