Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Walk

Taking a walk on the The Walk, you know what I mean. So hey! I got a blog again with mi brotha. I've been really busy for the past month and these pictures are like a throwback or a flashback by now. Well that's what will happen when you don't have the time in the world to do the stuffs you like. So much for that, here's like a photowalk w/ mi brotha. Walking around IT Park like it's your first time there. Well how did you know that? Shuks, another perk of being a good student. Blah blah blah yeah yeah, moving on. The pictures will tell you the story. A Thousand Thanks to Etienne "The Petticoat" by the way for letting me borrow her awesome camera and Monica for the fantastic lens. ^_^

After the heat-stroking photo-walk, we stopped by a Thai restaurant. Yey FOOD! 

Food has its way of doing things.
We just need it. No further details.

Bon appetit.

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